Friday, June 17, 2011

Probably the most important thing on my mind right now is getting this out so I don't explode.   First off, I can not stand  dishonesty.
Ok, so I go to Windows Seven Forums looking to see what others have done to get the Vista version of paintbrush to work in Window Seven.  I see that several people have commented, and one guy was kinda like me and isn't under the misconception that is all that. And he basically says so.  So some guy named Beman36  really lights into him, and basically claims the guy is lying, doesn't know what he is talking about etc.
Obviously, This can't just be allowed to happen.  Just because somebody doesn't agree with you doesn't give you the right to get abusive with them.  I also happen to believe, like the other poster that is pretty bulky compared to Vista Paint for pixel editing on large bitmaps.  (I draw murals, and takes way too much RAM to do a 96-inch by 120-inch drawing at 100dpi on a 24 bit color bitmap)  I also report this Beman36  guy, and the next thing I know, I am the one that is banned!!!!!   Talk about dishonesty !